All Systems Go – The Ikea model starts!
We finally received the call to start the install of the first Ikea model. It’s all systems go!If you’ve read my blogs on this Ikea adventure, you’ll remember that the install date for the Ikea models for Lennar Homes was December 9. As is all too common in homebuilding and construction in general, that date was ’bumped’. It happens. Often and to all builders.Anyway we are moving ahead. Our regular installers are not on this job, we have Ikea deliver and set up everything. Before we started we figured about 50% of this project was going to be spent sitting on the floor looking for lost screws, staring at diagrams and assembling furniture!We were terribly wrong.Thank goodness for the Ikea assemblers! This team of 3 mighty–men are putting everything together for us. Tables, chairs, sofas, even mirrors and artwork. It all has to be assembled. By the end of Day 1, we already love these guys.
When we ordered this project, we didn’t do it via the website the way a regular customer would. Since the volume was so large we had a dedicated purchasing agent at Ikea organize the orders and place them. She was great, but a few things fell through the cracks. That resulted in a very late night shopping at Ikea on Wednesday. We were there for so long that when we left there were no cars left in the parking lot. I’ve never seen that before!
But who cares about all that because The House looks great!Yes it has taken a thousand details, a thousand dowels, a million manuals. But Ikea possesses something others vendors don’t– great, right-now style and versatility of all their pieces. The looks, the colors, the vibe and the endless possibilities of Ikea has allowed us to do something no one has ever done before – an entire, amazingly designed home all of Ikea.
We can’t wait for everything to be finalized to share the images of this amazing home with you!PS the talented Beasley & Henley design team that pulled all this together is, of course, FANTASTIC!
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