I Will Survive This Kitchen Remodel!
Day 30: Just as our kitchen remodel started to turn a corner, a fury of text messages started to flow in. Not the kind of reassuring and comforting messages I was hoping for. Let me share a few of them. “Sorry, we don’t know why your backsplash has been stuck in Jacksonville for two weeks.”“Our marble cutter is out of service. Did you want to know when it would be up and running again? Sorry, we can’t answer that.”“I don’t know where your banquette fabric has gone to, are you sure you dropped it off?”“The cabinet molding you chose isn’t going to match up with the rest of your kitchen.”“I didn’t bring the right caulking, I need to come back.” “Your cabinet pulls? No we haven’t ordered those yet.”“A tree fell on my rent house, I won’t be able to work on your kitchen for another week”.After the tree debacle text I let out a deep sigh and slowly hung up my contractor’s hat for the next several days. Ok let’s keep it real, I didn’t exactly hang up my hat. I aggressively propelled it across the room in a fashion I’m not typically inclined to do, but I’ve finally reached my breaking point!
Day 30-36: Nothing, noda, zippo, goose egg, nill, zero happened this week. Where is everyone?!!!Day 37: What a difference a week makes! Our train has finally found its bearings and is heading towards our final destination! Our countertop was installed today! We chose Ceaserstone’s interpretation of natural Calcutta marble. The importance of viewing and inspecting the stone upon arrival was imperative due to the larger cascading veins, in combination with a few smaller natural variations. We carefully choose the placement of every cut with the final installation in mind. Its opaque white backdrop encompasses a high-end indulgence we’ve strived to achieve and I believe we did. Best of all, the reflective properties of our white countertops have not only enhanced our little kitchen, but has given it the illusion of a wider one as well. I am so pleased with the final selection and cannot wait to see it up against our iridescent backsplash. It’s going to be stunning!
Day 39: The plumber has arrived! He installed the sink, garbage disposal and refrigerator today. In one day! I’m amazed at the amount of dirt and grim that one person can accumulate and disperse. I will clean it all with a slight grin because we have a sink with running water, hurray!!Day 40: What a momentous morning! Not only did I make coffee in my own kitchen for the first time in weeks, I even loaded the dishes and ran the dishwasher! I cannot remember the last time I felt this joyous. It was probably the birth of our son, but I have to say this was a close second. This remodel has shattered the puzzle pieces of my OCD tendencies, but today those pieces all fit. Day 44: We are still waiting on our backsplash trim, foyer tile and banquet and table to be fabricated. In the meantime, I will enjoy my weekend and morning cup of coffee. Stay tuned next week for the final reveal!
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