Red For Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just a week away and it’s brought the color red to the forefront. It’s an auspicious color of marriage in India, Japan and Nepal. The color of love and adventure symbolizes super-human heroism to the Greeks and good luck in Asia. This Valentine’s day I will reflect on all the qualities this confident color possesses, what comes to my mind when I think of red and how you can use it in your everyday life.

PowerPoint PresentationHow can you incorporate this awaking and powerful color into your home décor? A red and white hammock that’s draped along statuesque trees in  plush surroundings, sound perfect to me. It’s an  uncomplicated way to bring in a pop of color,  without it being overpowering.


Did you know Cherokee red was the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wrights signature color? It wasn’t an exact color, but a whole range of reddish hues, some dark and some more vivid.  He called his architecture “organic” and described it as that “great living creative spirit which from generation to generation, from age to age, proceeds, persists, creates, according to the nature of man and his circumstances as they both change.”

Taliesin West was Mr. Wright’s winter home. It’s now a school for architects. Located in Scottsdale, Arizona the setting is magnificent and a testament of his life and work. This living memorial is open for tours as well. It’s certainly a place I would love to visit one day.


Nothing brightens up a room like a red flowering plant. Their expressive and powerful qualities speak for themselves. The eye catching Lipstick plants showy flowers dangle from its branch. It’s an easy to grow plant and is closely related to African Violets. Their flowering buds actually resemble a tube of lipstick, how fun!

lll copyWhen I think of the color red I also think of the red doors in Scotland. The homeowners would paint their front door red to signify that they had paid off their mortgage. Their sanctuary is now complete with a warm and welcoming entrance.  I feel it’s a small celebration and token of many years of hard work. It’s a proud moment for homeowners. Their sanctuary is now complete with a warm and welcoming entrance. Their stylish entrances shout hospitality, happiness and positivity.  I am certainly a fan.


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